Outside the Bowl

We are so thankful for Outside the Bowl and the generous donation of a year supply of Vita Kidz Porridge for Kibaale! Each bag of porridge is 200 servings and contains 70% of a child’s daily nutritional needs. All of the students in the Kibaale Schools and Good Samaritan Primary School will now be getting this for breakfast every morning! This porridge is such an amazing gift, most of our students come from homes where their families are peasant farmers and don’t grow enough food to feed themselves every day.

Starting the day with breakfast has proven to improve academic performance and behaviour in the classroom; with this nutritional porridge that is full of vitamins we expect to see a lot less visits to our clinic as well.

The students all tried the porridge on their first day of school and we heard very positive comments from everyone! We’re so excited about this coming school year and can’t wait to see how this porridge impacts the kids.